Protecting Your Eyes from UV Rays
Written by Lisa DiMauro | May 8th, 2015
My summertime mantra has become something like: protect my eyes from harmful UV rays, look cute doing it and have dinner outdoors at least twice a week.
Written by Lisa DiMauro | May 8th, 2015
My summertime mantra has become something like: protect my eyes from harmful UV rays, look cute doing it and have dinner outdoors at least twice a week.
Written by Lisa DiMauro | May 7th, 2015
The year was 2001 and my ultimate high school crush revealed that he was born color blind. Sitting in the back of that bus headed from Queens to Brooklyn, I vowed that I would find out just enough to understand what color blindness is to make sure he didn’t think that every outfit I wore was some boring shade of brown or grey. Unfortunately, the week following this announcement, my 14 year old self decided another boy was best suited to become my ultimate high school crush…for that week, at least. Consequently, I never really did look into the meaning of color blindness. And as for my husband – well, he made it very clear to me while we were dating that he had a very discerning eye for color. I learned this tidbit one evening when he commented that it was “interesting” that I was wearing brown boots with black leggings. Wasn’t that a fashion faux pas, he inquired? #majoreyeroll
Written by Lisa DiMauro | May 4th, 2015
Woohoo the royal baby has arrived! Unfortunately, with regard to her beautiful name, all my bets were totally off, but I can certainly say I will keep these names in my back pocket for future kids I may have. And that got me thinking about how much meaning there is to all our names. Some of us are named after great grandparents, admirable teachers and even close friends and neighbors. Regardless, there’s a fascinating story behind our names that uniquely contributes to who we are.
Written by Lisa DiMauro | May 4th, 2015
Ah Summer! You are all that I wait for every single fall, winter and even spring. You are the season around which I plan my main haircut of the year (shorter, more fun, and a tad bit edgy) and the layout of my closet (regardless of the season, or the lack of practicality, my summer clothing and accessories are the most easily accessible all year round). The clock is ticking and while we may not feel it yet consistently enough in some parts of the country, summer is just around the corner.
Written by Lisa DiMauro | May 4th, 2015
This year will bring my second Mother’s Day since my precious baby boy came into my life. While I am certainly no pro at being a mommy just yet – nor will I ever be – the profound shift in my reality has allowed me to learn quite a bit over the past year.