How To Take The Best Selfie

Written by Lisa DiMauro | January 23rd, 2015

In 2013, to no one’s surprise, the word SELFIE was proclaimed word of the year. As 2015 kicks into high gear, the term selfie shows no signs of slowing down. It is impressive to see that not only is the selfie still around, but it has gained even more momentum and has brought to the table new variations such as the ussie, the felfie, and my personal favorite, the belfie.

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Are you a Synesthete?

Written by Lisa DiMauro | January 16th, 2015

What is Synesthete?

Synesthesia is a unique neurological condition in which one sense, for example, hearing, is simultaneously perceived as if by one or more additional senses such as sight. An example of a synesthetic perception is when a person sees a certain color in response to a letter, a number or a name. For instance, one might see the word “dog” as green, or the number “9” as pink. Some people also report hearing sounds in response to smell.

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